Yellowstone Books


Recommended Book

Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: Ecology and Conservation of an Icon of Wilderness
by Yellowstone Association

A lot of people have strong opinions about wildlife management and ecology.

This is apparent from the books available on the topic, many of them are very one sided. I recommend you read reviews about the book and read up on the author before purchasing a book that disappoints you.

I ended up reading Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: Ecology and Conservation of an Icon of Wildness published by the Yellowstone Association (a non-profit associated with the National Park). It covers quite a bit of history and as a layman reader I got the impression that I am getting a fair review.

298 pages, published 2017

Yellowstone Ranger

by Jerry Mernin

376 pages, published 2016

Deep Into Yellowstone

by Rick Lamplugh

294 pages, published 2017

Taken by Bear in Yellowstone: More Than a Century of Harrowing Encounters between Grizzlies and Humans

by Kathleen Snow

352 pages, published 2016

In the Temple of Wolves: A Winter's Immersion in Wild Yellowstone

by Rick Lamplugh

186 pages, published 2013

Yellowstone Cougars: Ecology before and during Wolf Restoration

by Tony K. Ruthe et al.

336 pages, published 2019

Protecting Yellowstone: Science and the Politics of National Park Management

by Michael J. Yochim

281 pages, published 2013

After the Fires: The Ecology of Change in Yellowstone National Park

by Linda L. Wallace

400 pages, published 2011